Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Future of Fashion: How Technology Is Changing the Way We Shop and Dress

The Future of Fashion: How Technology Is Changing the Way We Shop and Dress

Technology has changed the way we shop, dress, and express ourselves. From virtual fashion shows to the invention of fabrics that are both comfortable and sustainable, the future of fashion is looking increasingly tech-savvy. As fashion continues to evolve, the role of technology is becoming ever more important. With the rise of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and 3D printing, the possibilities for fashion designers and shoppers alike are becoming virtually limitless. As technology continues to progress, so too does the fashion industry. We are now able to purchase and customize clothing with the touch of a button, and soon, we may even be able to design our own clothes with the help of virtual reality. The future of fashion is bright and ready for the taking - and technology is leading the way.

What is the future of fashion?

The fashion industry is constantly evolving, and with new technology, the possibilities are endless. More and more companies are looking to technology to improve efficiency, increase profit margins, and engage with their customers in innovative ways. As technology advances, so too does the future of fashion. With an increased focus on sustainability and personalized experiences, the future of fashion promises to be a bright one. As technology continues to improve, we’re likely to see the integration of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and 3D printing in the fashion industry. These technologies are poised to transform the way we shop for and wear clothes. They will provide personalized shopping experiences, offer visual experiences beyond the typical runway show, and make it easier to find the perfect fit. These innovations can also help companies reduce their environmental impact and source ethically by making it easier to source sustainable fabrics and trace the supply chain.

How is technology changing the way we shop and dress?

With the rise of smart devices, online shopping, and AI, the way we shop is evolving. From managing inventory to understanding consumer shopping patterns, data analytics are enabling businesses to stay ahead of the game. Online shopping - Online shopping has become increasingly popular since the rise of smart devices. Consumers appreciate the convenience of shopping at any time, and ready-to-ship products are fuelling online sales growth. This has led to an increase in the number of online fashion retailers. Real-time inventory - Retailers can now track inventory in real-time, which helps them to optimize shelf space and avoid stockouts. This enables businesses to better serve customers by providing what they want when they want it. Data analytics - Data analytics are helping retailers increase customer engagement and boost sales by reflecting customers’ preferences. They can track what people are searching for, how often, and from which location. This allows businesses to tailor their offerings, personalize their marketing efforts, and provide a more engaging experience overall.

Benefits of technology in the fashion industry

Real-time inventory tracking - Tracking inventory levels in real-time allows retailers to better manage their stock. This can help minimize overstocking, stockouts, and wasted money. Customer engagement - Customers expect personalized experiences and businesses are meeting that demand with data analytics. By reflecting customers’ preferences, retailers can provide timely recommendations and encourage engagement via social media. Visibility throughout the supply chain - Data analytics can also help businesses track their supply chain to ensure ethical sourcing practices. This can help to identify ethical risks, such as child labor or poor working conditions.

Examples of technology in the fashion industry

inventory tracking - Companies like Tranlogic have created software that allows retailers to track their inventory in real-time to prevent overstocking or stockouts. customer engagement - To engage customers and tailor offerings, retailers are using data analytics to track what people are searching for, how often, and from which location. This allows businesses to tailor their offerings, personalize their marketing efforts, and provide a more engaging experience overall. visibility - Visibility throughout the supply chain is also possible with the help of technology. Companies like Intelligent Logistics are using blockchain to trace the journey of ethically sourced commodities from source to store shelf. This use of technology helps to ensure that retailers are sourcing ethically and within their brand commitment.

a. Virtual fitting rooms

One of the most promising technologies in the fashion industry is virtual fitting rooms. These virtual fitting rooms allow shoppers to try on an item of clothing virtually before they make a purchase. This can be especially helpful for shoppers who don’t have access to a nearby store. Virtual fitting rooms can be especially helpful for those whose bodies don’t match the sample sizes typically available in stores. These virtual fitting rooms can also be useful for shoppers who want to try on different pieces of clothing to determine which one will work best.

b. 3D-printed clothes

Another promising technology is 3D-printed clothes. This technology uses computer-assisted design to create a 3D model of a garment. It then uses special software to test out different designs and fabrics until finding the perfect combination. This 3D printing technology can help to create new fabrics that are both comfortable and sustainable.

c. Data-driven insights

Data-driven insights are another beneficial technology in the fashion industry. These insights use data to help businesses better understand how their customers think, shop, and interact with their brands. This can be especially useful for retailers who want to create a personalized experience for customers across channels.

d. Innovative materials and technologies

Other innovative technologies and materials making waves in the fashion industry include the development of artificial spider silk, the use of super-strong but lightweight carbon-fiber fabrics, and lightweight fabrics that can generate power through movement. These materials are poised to make fashion more sustainable, comfortable, and functional.

Challenges of technology in the fashion industry

Reliability - One challenge facing technology in the fashion industry is reliability. If a piece of technology, like a virtual fitting room, is down for a few hours, it can have a significant impact on sales. If a retailer’s virtual fitting room is down during a busy period, like the holiday season, it can be difficult to catch up on lost revenue. Privacy - Another challenge facing technology in the fashion industry is privacy. Customers are increasingly concerned about who has access to their data. Retailers and fashion brands need to be transparent about how they’re using data and protect private information. Customers must also be given the option to opt out of data tracking, or else the industry could face regulation.

The future of fashion and technology

The future of fashion is bright and ready for the taking - and technology is leading the way. As technology continues to advance, we’re likely to see the integration of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and 3D printing in the fashion industry. These technologies are poised to not only change the way we shop for and wear clothes, but also make it easier to source ethically and reduce the industry’s environmental impact.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The story of my grieving process

 The story of my grieving process

It is almost February 15. The memory of losing my father this time of the year comes back as a dagger piercing through my soul. We will be celebrating his first death anniversary. It is very hard for a person to lose his father. A man loses a big part of his life and he could never get back again, especially if that father was around when the son was growing up. This usually brings about a grieving process that varies from one person to another but in general it includes three stages: shock or numbness, anger and depression.

Grieving is a natural process that can help you adjust to a new reality. When someone we love dies, a part of us dies with them. Grief is an outward expression of this internal reality. You may experience many different emotions including fear, guilt, anger, numbness or even some relief that your loved one is no longer suffering.

The grieving process is a very individualized, personal experience. It may be a period of sadness, loss and loneliness for your family. You may have experienced many changes at once such as going back to work, attending school and caring for younger children. If your relationship with your father was close and you shared many common interests this loss will be more difficult to deal with

As a son, you can expect to feel many emotions in response to your father's death. It's normal for men to have a wide range of reactions following their fathers' passing: anger, guilt, depression and isolation are just some of the emotions that most sons go through when mourning. The loss of your father may make you feel like you're at sea without his guidance or support which can cause distress in all areas of your life including at work and with loved ones.

The phrase "boys don't cry" is often used to convey the idea that men should not show emotion, particularly sadness or vulnerability. This idea is harmful and can be detrimental to men's mental and emotional well-being.

First, it is important to recognize that emotions are a natural human experience and that everyone, regardless of gender, has the right to express and process their emotions in their own way. Society's expectation that men should suppress their emotions can lead to a lack of understanding and support when men do experience emotional pain.

Furthermore, this phrase implies that crying is a weak or unmanly behavior, which is not true. Crying is a healthy way to release emotions and can be an important part of the healing process.

Additionally, this phrase can be particularly harmful for men who are already struggling with mental health issues such as depression or anxiety, as it can discourage them from seeking help or expressing their emotions.

Moreover, this phrase often teaches boys and men to avoid vulnerability and intimacy which can lead to relationship problems and lack of trust with others.

Grief is a natural process that everyone goes through when they lose a loved one as I mentioned earlier. The death of a father can be particularly difficult to process, as fathers often play a vital role in the lives of their children. Whether you were close with your father or had a strained relationship with him, his passing can leave a hole in your life that is difficult to fill. In this article, we will discuss some ways to process grief when you have lost a father.

First, it is important to understand that grief is a personal experience and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Everyone grieves in their own way and in their own time. It is important to allow yourself to feel your emotions and not to suppress them.

One way to process grief is through talking about your feelings. This can be done by talking to friends, family members, or a therapist. These people can provide support and help you to understand and process your feelings.

Another way to process grief is through journaling. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a cathartic experience. It can also be helpful to look back on your journal entries at a later time to see how far you have come in your grief process.

Another way to process grief is through physical activity. This can be anything from going for a walk to participating in a sport. Physical activity can help to release endorphins and improve your mood.

It's also important to remember that grief can be a long process and it's not something that can be fixed or solved. You will have to learn how to live with the loss and find ways to carry on. This may mean finding new hobbies or interests, or volunteering in your community.

Finally, it's important to remember that it's okay to need help and support. Grief can be overwhelming and it's important to reach out for help when you need it.

In conclusion, grief is a natural process that is different for every person. It's important to allow yourself to feel your emotions, talk about your feelings, journaling, physical activity, and finding ways to carry on. Remember to reach out for help when you need it. Grief can be a difficult journey, but with the right support and understanding, it can be possible to learn how to live with the loss of a loved one.

Monday, January 23, 2023

SELF IMPROVEMENT - For a better you

SELF IMPROVEMENT - For a better you

As 2023 started, I looked back and faced my self and saw what I was. I may have forgotten the old me and my habits had been derailed. So, I made it a point to consciously look at my self and improve my habits that would make me a better me each day. After all, we owe it to our selves. So I made some thinking and wrote a short article about it hoping that somehow it may affect and give a spark of idea to someone too.

So, as I reckon, self-improvement is an ongoing process that can be challenging, but also incredibly rewarding. It’s all about taking control of your life, setting and achieving goals, and becoming the best version of yourself. Whether you want to improve your career, relationships, health, or all of the above, the key is to have a plan and take consistent action.

One of the first steps in self-improvement is setting clear and realistic goals. It’s important to set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, instead of setting a goal to “lose weight,” set a goal to “lose 10 pounds in 3 months.” This makes the goal more specific and measurable.

Another important aspect of self-improvement is building self-awareness. Self-awareness is

the ability to understand and acknowledge your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. To build self-awareness, try journaling, mindfulness, or seeking feedback from others. This will help you to understand your own strengths and weaknesses, and identify areas that need improvement.

In addition to setting goals and building self-awareness, building positive habits is crucial for self-improvement. Habits are actions that we repeatedly do, and they shape who we are and what we do. To build positive habits, start small, set reminders, and track progress. This will help you to establish new habits, and make them a part of your daily routine.

Managing time effectively is another key aspect of self-improvement. With a busy and fast-paced life, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and lose control. To manage time effectively, create a schedule, prioritize tasks, and eliminate distractions. This will help you to be more productive and accomplish more in less time.

Lastly, building resilience is an important aspect of self-improvement. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and continue to move forward. To build resilience, focus on maintaining a positive attitude, seeking support from others, and taking care of your physical and mental health.

Self-improvement is a lifelong journey, but by setting goals, building self-awareness, building positive habits, managing time effectively, and building resilience, you can make progress and become the best version of yourself. Remember to be patient with yourself, celebrate small wins, and don't be afraid to seek help if you need it.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Suicide - The Silent Killer

Suicide - The Silent Killer

I recently heard shocking news from my son that one of his classmates had taken his own life. As a parent, I cannot fathom the pain that child's parents are going through right now.

Since the days of Memoriam, suicide has always been a silent stigma in our society. Teen depression is a serious problem, affecting 10.7% of all teens and 29.9% of high school students; 17% of high school students thought about suicide. Nevertheless, depression in adolescents is often unrecognized. This article describes the tragic death of a 17-year-old along with symptoms of adolescent depression and suicide; DSM-5 criteria for depression; treatments including protective factors, psychotherapy, and medication; and provides interventions to address this huge but silent crisis.

Most of us have observed sadness in teenagers. We may think that their melancholy is due to hormonal imbalance, moodiness, or teenage rebellion. But teen depression is a life-threatening problem. The reality is that teen depression is a serious problem. The 2001-2004 National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement of 10,123 adolescents found that 11% of adolescents had major depressive disorder by age 18. Recently, the US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, n.d., a) found that 2.7 million adolescents aged 12 to 17 (10.7% of all adolescents) experienced a major depressive episode in 2013. If depression is not treated, intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anger, or frustration can last for weeks, months, or years. The World Health Organization reports that more than 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression, making it a leading cause of disability and contributing to the overall global burden of disease. It is important to recognize the symptoms of depression so that early treatment is possible and pain, suffering, and possible death can be avoided.

My goal in sharing this tragic story of the death of a 17-year-old is to highlight the vital need to talk to parents and professionals early when a teen shows signs of depression. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15- to 24-year-olds. Learning from our personal experiences can help save the life of someone suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts. Our words and actions can help end the silent crisis of teen depression.

At some point, most of us experience or have experienced grief. However, sadness is usually short-lived. When a person suffers from depression, it can affect work, school, eating, and the ability to enjoy life for a long time. It is imperative to distinguish between sadness and clinical depression; when depression is recognized, the necessary treatment can be obtained.

Depression can affect a person's ability to do the simplest things, such as waking up in the morning, brushing their teeth, going to school or work, and eating. Depressive feelings make it difficult to function normally, concentrate and participate in once enjoyable activities. Depressed feelings result in little or no motivation or energy, making it difficult to get through each day.

Symptoms of depression range from sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, anger, annoyance, or frustration; to losing or gaining weight; thinking about death, and/or having suicidal thoughts. A more detailed list of symptoms of depression is shown in Table 1. In addition to recognizing the symptoms of depression, it is important to realize that each person experiences depression differently. Although someone may not have all the classic symptoms of depression, they may still have clinical depression.

What causes depression? Heredity plays a significant role, accounting for half of the etiology of depression. Depressed individuals are often immediate family members of others who suffer from depression. Depressed individuals may not have the same thoughts as healthy people due to an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. Specifically, depressed individuals experience abnormal regulation of cholinergic, catecholaminergic (noradrenergic or dopaminergic), and serotonergic (5-hydroxytryptamine) neurotransmission. Neurotransmitter imbalances can prevent someone from realizing that they might be able to find help. Many depressed individuals cannot imagine being happy again. They feel excruciating emotional and sometimes physical pain that seems to have only two options: die or live with the pain (SAVE, 2015b). Neuroendocrine dysregulation can involve problems with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal, hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid, or growth hormone systems, which are areas that can be treated (Coryell).

The first step to preventing teen suicide is recognizing and treating depression. Effective early intervention will help reduce the burden and disability of depression. A combination of proactive support, mood-enhancing medications, and psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy can effectively treat teen depression. The earlier treatment is started, the better the response to treatment.

Teen depression is a serious problem, affecting 10.7% of all teens and 29.9% of high school students; 17% of high school students thought about suicide. Nevertheless, depression in adolescents is often unrecognized. This article describes the tragic death of a 17-year-old along with symptoms of adolescent depression and suicide; DSM-5 criteria for depression; treatments including protective factors, psychotherapy, and medication; and provides interventions to address this huge but silent crisis.

Most of us have observed sadness in teenagers. We may think that their melancholy is due to hormonal imbalance, moodiness, or teenage rebellion. But teen depression is a life-threatening problem. My daughter Kayla watched her 17-year-old best friend struggle with depression and eventually commit suicide. Feelings of loss, frustration, guilt and unanswered questions continue to haunt Kayla. She wished she could help her friend, say something that changed the situation, or somehow answer his cry for help. She regrets not being able to change that terrible morning when she got the news of her best friend's suicide (see Sidebar: My Best Friend).

The reality is that teen depression is a serious problem. The National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement of 10,123 adolescents from 2001–2004 found that 11% of adolescents had major depressive disorder by age 18 (Avenevoli, Swendsen, He, Burstein, & Merikangas, 2015). Recently, the US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, n.d., a) found that 2.7 million adolescents aged 12 to 17 (10.7% of all adolescents) experienced a major depressive episode in 2013. If depression is not treated, intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anger, or frustration can

Summary and Analysis of the Myth of Sisyphus

Summary and Analysis of the Myth of Sisyphus

The Myth of Sisyphus is a classic exposition of the absurdity of life. Written with lucidity, humor, and great seriousness, it describes the moment when a man realizes that nothing in life has meaning and then finds out why this is not tragic, but liberating.

It is a philosophical essay by Albert Camus, published in 1942. It asks whether or not life has meaning, and concludes that it does not. In order to prove this point, Camus examines the Greek myth of Sisyphus. Sisyphus was a mortal king punished for his arrogance by being condemned to roll an immense boulder up a hill forever, only for it to roll back down each time he neared completion. In identifying himself with Sisyphus, Camus argues that if life were to have no intrinsic meaning then our lives would be absurd. He then goes on to provide examples of what he believes are absurd situations that people find themselves in.

No matter how hard he tries, the mythological Sisyphus will always fail in pushing his rock up the hill. The rock will always come back down, crushing him and forcing him to start again. Yet despite his fate, the Greek hero musters enough strength to try again. This is Camus' greatest point: if we can live with meaninglessness and uncertainty, we might actually be happier than if we were certain about everything.

Sisyphus, the poster boy of existentialism, was associated with arduous and pointless tasks because he was condemned to roll a boulder up a hill, only to have the boulder roll back to the bottom just as he was about to complete the task. He was thus condemned to repeat this action forever.

However, there is much more to the story of Sisyphus than this image, so let's take a closer look at the myth of Sisyphus, who he was, and why he was so important to the ancient Greek civilization.

Summary of the myth of Sisyphus

Although he is now best known for rolling a stone up a hill, Sisyphus did a lot before he was condemned to repeat that (literal) uphill struggle. He was the mythical founder of the city-state of Corinth (then called Ephyra) and was considered the successor of Medea - she who was doomed by her relationship with Jason, of Argonaut fame. He was also responsible for the establishment of the Isthmian Games, which were held a year before and a year after the Olympic Games (the second and fourth years of the Olympiad), from about 582 BC (almost two centuries after the first Olympic Games were held).

Sisyphus is credited with fathering Glaucus, Bellerophon, and even—in one version—the crafty Odysseus himself, among others. The story goes that Autolycus stole Sisyphus' herd, but Sisyphus, considered by many to be the cleverest of all men, took the precaution of marking his name on his animals so that he could prove that the stolen herd was his. Autolycus' daughter Anticleia was to be married to Laertes the day after this botched farm heist took place, and Sisyphus, seeking revenge, slipped into Anticleia's bed the night before her wedding and seduced her. As a result, she conceived Odysseus.

But since Autolycus was impressed by Sisyphus' cleverness, he happily gave his daughter to Sisyphus because he wanted to have a cunning and quick-thinking grandson. Odysseus certainly grew up in it, as Homer's Odyssey testifies. So Laertes, in this version of Odysseus' story, was not Odysseus' biological father.

But how is it that Sisyphus was condemned to roll the boulder uphill for all eternity? This too depends on which version of the myth you read.

For example, according to one story, Sisyphus ended up rolling the stone up the hill because he had stolen it from Zeus during one of the god's various acts of abduction involving young and beautiful women. When Zeus left with Aegina, Sisyphus saw him. Aegina's father, Asopus, discovered that Sisyphus was a witness and asked Sisyphus to tell him who had taken his daughter. Sisyphus, ever the cunning man, made a deal with him: he would tell Asopus who had run off with his daughter if Asopus would spring a spring at the citadel of Corinth. Asopus agreed, and Sisyphus dropped Zeus right into it.

Zeus, whose hot temper was as legendary as his penchant for running around with girls, was none too happy to be tricked by Sisyphus like this, so he knocked Sisyphus to the ground with a lightning bolt. Sisyphus, transported to the underworld, was condemned to roll a boulder up a hill for all eternity.

However, Homer tells the story quite differently. Sisyphus' "crime" here was refusing to die when the gods ordered it to. So Zeus sent Thanatos, the spirit of Death, to take the stubborn Sisyphus to the underworld. But Zeus underestimated how cunning Sisyphus was, and Sisyphus was waiting for Thanatos when he arrived, chaining the deadly agent, thereby suspending death throughout the world. While Thanatos was in captivity, no one—including Sisyphus himself—could die.

However, you cannot cheat death forever, and Sisyphus was forced by Zeus to release Thanatos from his chains so that daily life with death could resume.

Unfortunately for Sisyphus, his name was first on the list.

But Sisyphus got out of it again with a trick. He hatched a plan with his wife, telling her that when he was taken to the underworld, she should not observe the burial rites usually accorded to the dead. When Sisyphus arrived before Hades in the underworld, he complained that his wife had refused to honor him when he died, and Hades agreed to let him return and punish his abusive widow. The trick worked and Sisyphus somehow got through life for many more years.

When he finally died, the gods made sure he couldn't cheat his way out of the underworld again by assigning him the endless task he's now so closely associated with: to roll the huge rock uphill forever, only to find—when he reached the top hills—that the rock rolled all the way down and he had to start over.

Analysis of the myth of Sisyphus

Not all Greek myths have a "moral" per se, but if we look at a more complete summary of the story (or stories) of Sisyphus, it is clear that his punishment - rolling the rock endlessly uphill - was devised by the gods. in response to Sisyphus' legendary cunning and cunning. You really can be too smart for your own good: as Sisyphus was.

The story of Sisyphus is so well-known in modern times thanks to Albert Camus, whose essay "The Myth of Sisyphus" (1942) is an important text on the absurdity of modern life (although often described as "existentialist", Camus' essay is actually closer to absurdism). For Camus, Sisyphus is the epitome of absurdism because he values ​​life over death and wants to enjoy his existence as much as possible, but is instead thwarted in his goals by being condemned to a repetitive and meaningless task. Such is the life of modern man: condemned to perform the same futile daily rituals every day, working without fulfillment, without purpose or meaning in most of what he does.

However, for Camus—and again, this part is generally misunderstood by people who have not read Camus's essay but have only heard of her "argument" secondhand—there is something positive about Sisyphus's condition, or rather his approach to his situation. a rather grim fate. When Sisyphus sees the stone roll back down the hill and has to march down after it, knowing that he will have to start the same process all over again, Camus suggests that Sisyphus would realize the absurd truth of his situation and cure it. with appropriate contempt. In a sense he is 'free': not from having to complete the task, but from doing it without doubt or in the vain hope that it will end. He has freed his own mind by confronting the absurdity of his situation and is able to view it with appropriate disdain and good humor. As the old saying goes, "you gotta laugh..."

Of course, the Greek gods were capricious and not always justified in meting out their punishments to mortals, but Sisyphus' determination to cheat death is clearly doomed in the long run. The ancient Greeks knew as any civilization worth the name knows, that death is an inevitable and even desirable part of life.

Post Modernism - An Overview

Post Modernism - An Overview

This article provides a comprehensive history of postmodernism philosophy. The text offers an overview of the major concepts, thinkers, and movements that have contributed to its emergence as one of the central movements in contemporary thought.

It is a comprehensive history of postmodernism, taking in all the major thinkers and their key works. The article sets out to show how post-structuralist philosophy developed from a critique of structuralism, and how this led to the rise of postmodernism.

This article offers a concise guide to the history and philosophy of postmodernism. It analyzes the key features of this philosophical movement, including its roots in phenomenology, hermeneutics, and deconstructionism. It also considers other important aspects such as gender studies, narrative theory, and post-colonial theory.

This is a comprehensive history of postmodernism, the movement that has most dramatically changed the way we see and understand reality. It chronicles how, after the collapse of communism in 1991, many intellectuals, artists, and writers started turning away from grand narratives towards a more pluralist understanding of their world, which can be expressed in many different ways. Rather than seeing themselves as part of a particular school or philosophical tradition, these writers have become eclectics who draw on ideas from many different sources to challenge traditional beliefs about knowledge and meaning.

Modernism in art refers to the rejection of the traditions of the Victorian era and the exploration of the problems of the industrial age, and real life and combines the rejection of the past with experimentation, sometimes for political purposes. Stretching from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century, Modernism reached its peak in the 1960s; Postmodernism describes the period that followed during the 1960s and 1970s. Postmodernism is a rejection of the rigidity of modernism in favor of an "anything goes" approach to the subject matter, processes, and material.


The shift to modernism can be attributed in part to the new freedoms artists enjoyed in the late 19th century. Traditionally, a painter was commissioned by a patron to create a specific work. The end of the 19th century saw many artists able to use more time to devote to subjects of their personal interest.

At the same time, the growing field of psychology turned the analysis of human experience inward and promoted a more abstract kind of science that inspired the visual arts to follow.

With shifts in technology creating new materials and techniques in art making, experimentation became more possible and also gave the resulting work a wider reach. Advances in printing in the late 19th century meant that artwork posters expanded public awareness of art and design and brought experimental ideas into popular culture.

Officially debuting in 1874, Impressionism is considered the first modernist art movement. With leaders like Claude Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir, the Impressionists separated short, sharp brushstrokes and the changing effect of light from what had come before. The Impressionists' focus on modern scenes was a direct rejection of classical subject matter.

Subsequent movements such as Post-Impressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Constructivism, and De Stijl were just a sample of those that followed the experimental path started by Impressionism.


The Dada movement pushed experimentation further by rejecting traditional skills and launching an all-out artistic rebellion that embraced nonsense and absurdity. Dadaist ideas first appeared in 1915 and the movement became official in 1918 with its Berlin Manifesto.

French artist Marcel Duchamp exemplified the elevated playfulness of the Dadaists. His 1917 work Fountain, a signed porcelain urinal, and his L.H.O.O.Q. from 1919, Leonardo da Vinci's print of the Mona Lisa with a penciled mustache, both turn their backs on the very idea of ​​making art. In doing so, Duchamp predicted postmodernism.

Abstract expressionism

Modernism reached its peak with Abstract Expressionism, which began in the late 1940s in the United States. A departure from ordinary subjects and techniques, Abstract Expressionism was known for oversized canvases and paintings that could appear chaotic and arbitrary.

Each Abstract Expressionist work functioned as both a document of the artist's subconscious and a map of the physical movements required to create the art. Painter Jackson Pollack became famous for the method of dripping paint onto the canvas from above.


The transitional period between modernism and postmodernism took place during the 1960s. Pop Art served as a bridge between them. Pop Art was obsessed with the fruits of capitalism and popular culture, such as pulp fiction, celebrities, and consumer goods.

The movement, which began in England in the late 1950s but became popular in America, was informed by former Abstract Expressionists such as Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg, who metamorphosed into the Neo-Dada movement of the late 1950s.

Rauschenberg’s sculpture of Ballantine Ale cans from 1960 predates pop artist Andy Warhol’s famous Campbell’s Soup cans. Warhol gained further fame for his haunting screen-printed portraits, most famously of celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, while Pop Art compatriot Roy Lichtenstein plundered comic book panels for his paintings.


Postmodernism, as it emerged in the 1970s, is often associated with the philosophical movement Poststructuralism, in which philosophers such as Jacques Derrida proposed that structures within culture were artificial and could be deconstructed in order to be analyzed.

As a result, postmodern art had little in common other than the idea that "anything goes" and a predominance of unusual materials and mechanical methods of expression that seem impersonal, although often using humor.

At the core of postmodernism was conceptual art, which proposed that the meaning or purpose behind the creation of art was more important than the art itself. There was also a belief that anything could be used to make art, that art could take any form, and that there should be no distinction between high art and low art, or between fine art and commercial art.

Postmodern work in the 1970s was sometimes derided as "art for art's sake", but it stimulated the adoption of a number of new approaches. These new forms included Earth art, which creates works on the natural landscape; Performance art; Installation art that considers the whole space rather than just one piece; Process art, which emphasized the creation of the work as more important than the result; and Video art, as well as movements based on feminist and minority art.

The 1980s saw the rise of appropriation as a widely used practice. Painters like Jean-Michael Basquiat and Keith Haring directly imitated graffiti styles, while artists like Sherrie Levine lifted the actual work of other artists to use in their creations. In 1981, Levine photographed Walker Evans' photograph and presented it as a new work challenging the very idea of ​​the original photograph.

Postmodern art has since become less defined by the form the art takes and more determined by the artist creating the work. American artist Jenny Holzer, who rose to prominence in the 1970s with her conceptual art made from language, embodies this model.

Holzer's "truisms" are deceptively simple sentences that communicate complicated, often contradictory ideas, such as "Protect me from what I want." She also produced a series of works on the US government's use of torture during the Iraq War. Holzer's curation of text, rather than any visual motif, is the consistent aspect uniting her work.

Some art historians believe that the postmodern era ended at the beginning of the 21st century and refer to the following period as postmodern.

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History of modernity and postmodernity


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The Future of Fashion: How Technology Is Changing the Way We Shop and Dress

The Future of Fashion: How Technology Is Changing the Way We Shop and Dress ‍ Technology has changed the way we shop, dress, and express our...